- Team Work Essentials
- Goal Setting through SWOT Analysis
- Gemba Meetings
- Sharing of Information and Performance Details
- 5S in Workplace
- Key Performance Indicators
- Basic Health and Hygiene practices
- Promotion of Creativity through Kaizen and Suggestions
Imperatives of Workplace Engagement covers:
Total Quality Management covers:
- Quality Imperatives
- Shop-floor Checklists / Standard Operating Procedures
- 7 Tools &Overview of 7 New Tools
- Statistical Process Control
- Problem-Solving through 7 steps / 8 discipline
- FMEA / Guage Rand R
- PPAP/ APQP/ Control plans
- Quality Function Deployment
- Acceptance Sampling
- ISO 9000 QMS
- QCC/SGA/Cross Functional Teams
Greener Productivity and Lean Manufacturing covers:
- Productivity Improvement& Waste Elimination
- Process Wastes Measurement & Control
- Total Productive Maintenance
- Value Stream Mapping, TAKT Time
- Single Piece Flow, Layout Changesand Line Balancing
- Inventory Management
- Emissions / Discharges / Contaminations
- ISO 14000 Standards
- Reduce/ Reuse and Recycle concepts
- Energy Management and Renewable Energy
- Involving the Workforce in Greener Production Initiatives
Human Resource Management covers:
- Five step Strategy for Human Resource Management
- Organizational Structure
- Evaluation ofHuman Resource Needs
- Human Resource Lifecycle
- Jobs and Skills Analysis/Skills Mapping and Gaps/Needs Identification
- Job Descriptions
- Occupational Standards
- Training &Skills Development,Motivation and TEI
- Awards, Rewards and Recognition
- Induction, Appraisals
- Legal Compliances
- Links to Relevant Schemes
Ethics and Social Responsibility covers:
- Workplace Discrimination/Harassment
- GenderEquality
- Legal & Social Compliances
- Wages &Compensation
- Grievance Handling Mechanisms
- Negotiations
- QCC/SGA/Cross Functional Teams
- Concern for the Society and Social Environment
Industrial Safety covers:
- Safety Standards, including Checklists
- Electrical Safety, Handling of Chemicals, MSDS
- Sector-Specific SafetyRequirements
- First Aid
- OccupationalSafety and Health, including OSH Policy
- Prevention and Risk Assessment – Controlling Risks and PPEs
- Workplace Ergonomics
- Joint Health &Safety Committees
- Periodic Safety Audits and Review